
Be Nice to Your Brain: 脑震荡 Awareness and Prevention

When is a bump on the head more than just a bump on the head? Head injuries are very common. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were more than 223000人住院 有关 traumatic brain injuries (TBI) in 2019. But a forceful knock to the noggin can cause a 脑震荡. Even though they’re not typically life-threatening, they should be taken seriously to avoid more severe effects.

What Happens to Your Brain During a 脑震荡

脑震荡s are a type of traumatic 脑损伤 that results from a severe blow to the head, most commonly after an accident, 秋天, or during a contact sport like football.

“When someone suffers a 脑震荡, the brain can literally bump against the inside of the skull, potentially tearing blood vessels and causing bleeding or damage to the brain itself,” 医学博士萨拉·梅纳乔, 的专家 神经外科 犹他健康大学的研究员.


脑震荡的症状 might appear immediately, but it’s also possible that they may not show up until days or weeks later.

Key physical symptoms include:

  • 头痛或头晕
  • 恶心或呕吐
  • 耳鸣
  • 视力模糊
  • 平衡问题
  • 混乱
  • Amnesia surrounding the injury

Symptoms that are more likely to show up a few days later include:

  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • 感到昏昏沉沉或烦躁不安
  • Sensitivity to noise or light
  • 失眠
  • 抑郁症
  • Differences in your senses of taste and smell

Some People Are More at Risk Than Others

No one is totally risk-free from accidents or injuries. But certain groups have higher rates of 脑震荡s, including:

  • Males between the ages of 15-24: Young males are more likely to engage in risky behavior or play contact sports.
  • 4岁以下儿童: Toddlers and infants are more accident-prone and, unfortunately, more susceptible to child abuse.
  • 60岁以上的成年人: Older adults tend to be more unsteady on their feet due to age-related health issues like arthritis, 肌肉无力, 或者视力问题.

When to See a Doctor After Hitting Your Head

You should seek medical care if you’ve recently experienced a head injury and have any of the above symptoms, regardless of if you’re in one of the risk groups.

“I would recommend seeing a doctor within one to two days following a head injury, even if you don’t require emergency treatment,梅纳乔说.

It may be harder to determine if a toddler or infant has a 脑震荡, as they cannot always verbalize what they’re feeling. If you think a young child might have a 脑震荡 after a head injury, look for the following signs:

  • Lethargy or sleeping more than usual
  • 食欲不振
  • 呕吐
  • Inconsolable crying or fussiness
  • 平衡困难

对于老年人来说, 跌倒和车祸 are the two most common causes of head injuries. If you are over 60 and have 秋天en or been in an auto accident, it’s important to see a doctor, especially if you are on blood thinners. These medications are more likely to cause bleeding in the brain after an injury, which can cause longer recovery time or even death.


While we can’t totally erase all accidents, we can take steps to try to prevent them and lessen the risk of a 脑震荡:

  • 系好安全带. Always wear your seatbelt when driving or riding in a car to prevent TBIs and other serious injuries. For children, make sure their 汽车安全座椅 is installed correctly and your child is strapped in properly.
  • 使用防护装备. Adults and children alike should wear helmets and protective gear when engaging in sports and other activities where 秋天ing or rough contact is common (i.e. riding bikes or scooters, skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing). In sports that require helmets, such as football or ice hockey, make sure your helmet fits and is being worn correctly.
  • 让你的家安全. This is especially important for older adults and young children. Remove tripping hazards such as throw rugs and clutter. Block off stairways with a baby gate to prevent a child from tumbling down the steps. Install a bar in bathrooms to help older adults balance when bathing or using the toilet.
  • 保持活跃. Regular exercise can help improve your balance and keep your leg muscles strong.
  • 照顾好你的眼睛. 定期视力检查, 尤其是老年人, can help you see your best and prevent 秋天s due to vision problems.


幸运的是, long-term effects from one 脑震荡 are rare, and most people will feel better within a couple of weeks. Get plenty of rest while you have symptoms, and gradually return to activity when symptoms are gone. Once you’re back to normal activities, be sure to incorporate prevention strategies to avoid another head injury.

“The more 脑震荡s you get, the more likely you are to suffer long-term consequences, especially if you don’t give your brain enough time to heal between injuries,梅纳乔说.

Prevention strategies and taking it easy if you do hit your head are the keys to keeping your brain happy and healthy.