



对于犹他大学的玻璃体视网膜外科医生来说,这是激动人心的一年 玛丽·伊丽莎白·哈特内特. 今年夏天早些时候, she was appointed as Chairperson to the Diseases and Pathophysiology of the Visual System Study Section at the Center for Scientific Review at the National Institutes of Health —a prestigious position that will allow her to participate in evaluating scientific proposals that may uncover new improvements and 治疗s in several eye diseases.

最重要的是预约. 哈特内特也在庆祝她的第二版教科书的发行, 小儿视网膜, which is considered to be the first of its kind and the main industry reference on 小儿视网膜. Dr. Hartnett slowed down for a minute to talk about her updated book as well as why she loves teaching in addition to her duties as a world-class researcher and clinician at the University of Utah’s 莫兰眼科中心.

儿童视网膜问:你当老师已经很长时间了. In an industry where teaching is often overlooked or undervalued—and you could easily spend all of your time in the research lab or clinic —why is it important for you to make time to educate others?

How to make the teaching one does efficient and effective for the audience is a question I ask myself daily. I believe research is essential not only to help me provide better medical and surgical care to my patients, 但也, I hope to motivate my students toward having an inquisitive mind and to search for better 治疗s while maintaining absolute integrity in patient care and science.

I’ve come to refine my methods of teaching to try to focus on audiences that I believe I can provide service to —which is one reason I decided to write a textbook on 小儿视网膜. 本书汇集了来自世界各地同事的知识, which I believe pushes all of us to be challenged in our thinking and to find truths regarding science and medical 治疗.

We have to educate our students so we will continue to improve our understanding and care for our patients. 但大发娱乐的教育方式也在演变. 因此,作为教育工作者,大发娱乐必须面对挑战,找到更好的方法. I also hope that we can continue to evolve moving forward to provide an atlas and educational forum for physicians, 外科医生, 家长与患者, 和科学家.

Q: You’ve seen a lot of research advancement working in the industry up to this point. 在你的职业生涯中,你希望看到什么样的进步? 如果你想在退休前解决一个问题,那会是什么?

从我从事的基础科学工作中, I personally would like to develop safe and effective means to treat severe retinopathy of prematurity.

I also believe an Internet-based network is a great need and would make a difference, 尤其是对父母来说, 病人随着年龄的增长. I’d like to develop a network of 小儿视网膜 specialists and parents with a platform that would allow each to review aspects of the child’s/ infant’s needs and then develop a 管理 plan. This would address the worries that a parent has when their eye care provider may not know what their child’s condition is (especially with a rare disease). 而不是在没有明确信息的情况下搜索互联网, 他们会有一个可靠的地方去研究孩子的情况. 出现了问题. 这种情况是遗传性的吗——可能影响到其他家庭成员吗? 还是与其他疾病有系统性联系? Is it infectious or inflammatory and might it progress or affect other organ systems if not treated? 治疗能改善病情和改善视觉功能吗? 以及哪些类型的视力康复是可用的和需要的? 有时, 一旦视网膜疾病得到治疗, vision can be improved by working with pediatric ophthalmologists for visual rehabilitation.

It’s critical to work in teams and I believe in finding or creating local teams so that the infant/child’s quality of life is not disrupted. My dream has been to develop a web-based network that would enable families and patients to work with physicians to develop life long 管理 plans that address not only visual acuity and function 但也 quality of life. 最终, the patients can become the experts when it comes to chronic eye diseases that start as 小儿视网膜l conditions.

问:跟大发娱乐谈谈你的新书吧. 创建教科书需要什么? 你希望学生从你的作品中获得什么?

能找到一个你能满足的需求真是太好了. 我创造了第一版的 小儿视网膜 大约十年前, because at the time there was not a text to bring together everything necessary in the diagnosis, 治疗(内科和外科), 管理, visual rehabilitation and genetic considerations of the many rare conditions that are included in 小儿视网膜l diseases. It was difficult for clinicians to diagnose a rare condition in children based on a sole retinal examination. 基因变异在大发娱乐的诊断中也变得越来越重要. 我制定了诊断所需条件的大纲, 治疗, and visual rehabilitation for a number of infants and children with 小儿视网膜l conditions incorporating knowledge of then known genetic and metabolic conditions.

I also incorporated the concept of an atlas in which images of retinal disturbances (like white spots, 红点, 等.)。, 与诊断, that then referred the reader to the text to help with individual patient diagnostic and 管理 decisions. 每章的格式都包括一个鉴别诊断. I enlisted many knowledgeable colleagues who specialize in 小儿视网膜 to contribute, with an ultimate goal was to help the infant or child with a 小儿视网膜 condition. 太频繁, an unusual appearance causes the physician and parents to go to the Internet where there can be good 但也 misleading information.

第一版很成功! And since then, 小儿视网膜l conditions and our knowledge of these conditions have exploded. 现在, the second edition includes updated and expanded genetics including dysfunctional effects from gene variants, a section on normal development and developmental ocular abnormalities with focus on angiogenesis, 还有关于早产儿视网膜病变的章节, 国际儿童视网膜, 远程医疗. 这本教科书确实结合了基础科学和临床知识. The atlas also includes images from spectral domain optical coherence tomograms of infants and children.