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Treating Knee Pain Symptoms

Our orthopedic specialists, surgeons, physical therapists, and providers work together in a multi-disciplinary setting to treat and heal different 膝关节疼痛和膝关节损伤的类型. Our physicians and providers are national and international leaders in research and treatment options to offer you the best care for your knee pain.

作为学术医疗中心的一部分,大发娱乐Orthopaedic Services also has ongoing clinical trials that you may be able to participate in to help further develop knee pain treatment. Our team is dedicated to helping you reduce or eliminate your knee pain so that you can enjoy the activities you love again.

Knee Pain Diagnosis

At your first appointment with one of our orthopedic specialists or providers, we will:

  • 回顾你的病史,包括受伤或膝盖疼痛的病史,
  • perform a physical exam,
  • 从身体检查中诊断出你的膝盖疼痛,
  • 必要时做x光检查
  • 根据你的诊断讨论治疗方案.

In most cases, an X-ray will provide the necessary imaging for a proper diagnosis. 你的医生可能会建议额外的影像检查, such as an MRI or ultrasound, 如果x光片不能大发娱乐提供足够的信息. 

损伤可以通过膝关节手术或非手术干预来治疗. 正确的治疗取决于你的诊断和其他因素.

Knee Surgery


Some knee surgeries require a large incision (cut), but many can be performed arthroscopically. 膝关节镜手术期间, we insert small instruments into your knee through small incisions to repair an injury. Recovery time for arthroscopic knee surgery is usually much shorter than traditional knee surgery, 许多膝关节镜手术可以作为门诊手术进行.

Preparing for Knee Surgery

Your doctor will give you exercises to perform in the two to four weeks leading up to your procedure. 这些练习有助于加强你的膝盖,提高灵活性, 哪一种可以更快地恢复. Your orthopedic surgeon and a physical therapist will provide a list of exercises and instructions on how to perform them, 以及你应该做的频率和次数. We recommend that you stay as active as possible before your surgery to get the best outcome after surgery. 

If you are overweight or obese, your doctor may have you work with a dietitian or nutritionist to lose weight before your surgery. This can reduce your risk of complications in surgery and provide a better outcome after your knee surgery. 

The surgical team will also provide you with instructions the night before surgery, including: 

  • 什么时候停止吃喝,
  • 手术前什么时候到,还有
  • 你该不该带什么去医院.

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Knee Surgery Recovery

大多数膝关节手术都是门诊手术, 虽然有些可能需要在医院短暂停留(一晚). 

The exact length of time that it takes to recover from knee surgery depends on the type of surgery that you have done. 一般来说,膝关节手术恢复包括: 

  • a period of initial rest immediately following the surgery to reduce swelling and regain range of motion,
  • physical therapy 为了加强和恢复膝盖,
  • 那么,更多的是针对运动或特定活动的训练
  • 恢复到受伤前的活动水平.

Your doctor and physical therapist will provide you with the exercises and activity-specific training that you can do based on your injury, recovery, and post-surgery goals.



  • Physical therapy (PT) -加强膝关节活动和功能的锻炼, relieve pain, 或者从运动损伤中恢复.
  • Injections – Corticosteroids (cortisone), hyaluronic acid, or other available injections that go directly into your knee to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Bracing – Applying a brace to stabilize and protect your knee while it heals from injury, 有时在伤口愈合后防止更多的伤害.
  • 膝关节射频消融 – A minimally invasive procedure performed in an exam room that targets nerves in your knee to alleviate chronic knee pain.
  • Diet and nutrition -如果超重引起疼痛或使膝盖疼痛加重, 大发娱乐的医生可能会建议与营养师或营养学家合作.

Knee Injury Programs & Clinics


We offer several programs and clinics that will help you recover from knee injuries and perform at your peak in a wide variety of activities and sports.

Knee Pain Relief at Home

未成年人最好的家庭疗法 knee pain symptoms include: 

  • RICE(对受伤的膝盖进行休息、冰敷、压迫和抬高)
  • 避免引起疼痛的运动或活动,
  • 简单的运动来提高活动范围,还有
  • over-the-counter pain medication to reduce swelling (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, 如布洛芬和对乙酰氨基酚).

Exercises for Knee Pain

Exercising helps strengthen the muscles around your knee and improve flexibility to restore your range of motion. 在开始你的锻炼计划之前, warm up your muscles with light, low-impact activity, 比如走路或骑固定自行车. Then perform the initial stretches before you move on to the strengthening exercises.


  • quadriceps (front of the thigh)
  • hamstrings (back of the thigh)
  • 外展肌和内收肌(大腿内侧和外侧),还有
  • glutes (buttocks).



  • heel cord stretch,
  • standing quad stretch,
  • half squats,
  • hamstring curls,
  • calf raises,
  • seated leg extensions,
  • straight-leg raises,
  • and more.

The 美国矫形外科医师学会 also offers detailed instructions for these exercises in a printable document you can download.

Talk to your doctor or physical therapist to learn how to perform these movements correctly, 包括他们的代表和频率. 如果你在做这些练习时感到疼痛, 停止并联系你的医生或理疗师.

How to Prevent Knee Injuries & Knee Pain

Not all knee injuries 是可以预防的,但你可以做些什么来减少受伤的风险. 

  • Participate in activities you are capable of; when you begin a new activity, 慢慢开始,通过适当的训练和锻炼来增强力量.
  • Train for your sport with exercises and conditioning that prepares the muscles you will use in that sport. Work with a coach or trainer to ensure proper movement, training load, and mechanics. Always practice perfect form.
  • Use appropriate equipment and take proper safety precautions with any activity or exercise. For example, before you start running, 进行步态分析并购买适合自己身体的跑鞋.
  • 通过适当的饮食和锻炼来保持健康的体重, 这有助于减轻膝关节的压力. If you are overweight or obese, talk to your doctor or physical therapist about low-impact exercises you can do now to build strength and work toward a healthy weight.
  • Maintain flexibility and strength with balance and stability training and always stretch properly before a workout.
  • Modify your activities if you experience chronic knee pain or have recurring injuries. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist about the best low-impact exercises based on your knee pain and injury history.


大发娱乐接受大多数保险计划,大多数治疗都在保险范围内. However, 有些保险计划有具体的规定, such as requiring a referral from a primary care provider before seeing a specialist. Before visiting our clinic, check with your insurance carrier to verify that care from our clinic is covered under your plan.

If you have knee pain and would like to see an orthopedic specialist, contact our Orthopaedic Services at 801-587‑7109 to schedule an appointment. 


Hear From Our Patients


Polly Creveling, 犹他大学医学院三年级学生, 在两英尺深的地方滑雪吗, 当她的滑雪板卡在下面坚硬的雪中时,她的滑雪板上出现了新鲜的雪粉. 她的膝盖一阵剧痛. 她被诊断为前交叉韧带撕裂和半月板撕裂. With the in-depth comprehensive care she received from the Orthopaedic Injury Clinic and her orthopedic surgery team, she was able to continue her athletic lifestyle and participate in her med school rotations.

Read Polly's Story


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