Stress Drinking: Alcohol Consumption Increases During 新型冠状病毒肺炎

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Stress Drinking: Alcohol Consumption Increases During 新型冠状病毒肺炎


在美国,酒精饮料的销量已经下降 增加了55% 和去年这个时候相比. 大发娱乐的生活充满压力 and alcohol consumption can be a common way to self-medicate those stresses. Women, especially, are more likely to use alcohol to cope with depression and anxiety. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 谈论压力下饮酒的影响 新型冠状病毒肺炎 流感大流行.


Coronavirus 流感大流行, social isolation, not enough social isolation, economic uncertainty. 这足以让你想喝酒了. 但大发娱乐还是不要.

已经5点多了.m. 在世界的某个地方, and it's been a long day of being cooped up with kids in the house or nobody in the house. 也许是时候喝杯酒了. Alcohol distributors reported a 50% increase in the sales of alcohol from one week in March of the coronavirus compared to a week the same year ago. 送货上门的酒类急剧增加, and one report notes a 300% increase in alcohol sales in March compared to January. 好吧, 也许, 1月, 人们在练习一月戒酒, a common New Year's resolution to avoid alcohol for the month of January. And the rebound sales and corona alcohol hoarding made that bump. Of course, it could have been just sales of high proof alcohol to clean the kitchen counters. 也许人们是为了保持社交距离而囤货.

有证据表明, 在3月份酒类销售激增之后, 4月份又恢复了正常. 但也许,这并不能解释一切. 大发娱乐的生活充满压力, and we may self-medicate with alcohol to deal with the stresses of our lives. 也, women may use alcohol to self-medicate our depression and anxiety, both of which are more common in women than men and more prevalent in times of social and economic distress. The stresses of too many people stuck together in the house or apartment, the stress of trying to get the kids to do just a little schoolwork, 孤独的压力, the worries about job layoffs and cutbacks that affect men and women.

的确,有些女性用酒精来缓解压力. 实际上这很有效. 酒精是一种镇静剂,所以酒精是一种镇静剂. If you are all wound up and your heart's beating and you're stressed out, alcohol can definitely make those symptoms of stress go down. The problem is alcohol interferes with your ability to make good decisions, 这是一个问题, 尤其是当你压力很大的时候. Alcohol increases the risk of conflict and domestic violence. 毕竟,酒精会影响你的睡眠. It may make you sleepy originally, but it inhibits REM sleep. So often, people wake up at 3:00 or 2:00 at night, and they can't get back to sleep. 或者保持清醒,保持心脏跳动.

是否喝酒是个人的选择. How much to drink and when to drink is a personal responsibility. 21岁以下的青少年不应该喝酒. 开车的时候千万不要喝酒. You should never drink if you're taking prescription drugs that interact with alcohol, 尤其是抗抑郁药, 焦虑的药物, 或麻醉剂. 如果你怀孕了,你就不应该喝酒. And you should never drink if you're not in a safe place socially. 家应该是一个安全的社交场所. 然而, 在每个人都呆在家里的日子里, 离开学校, 也许失业了, 互动会增加,紧张也会加剧. 这使得家里不是一个喝酒的安全地方.

我对数字很感兴趣,大发娱乐来算一下. Heavy drinking is more than seven servings of alcohol a week. A serving is the 12-ounce bottle of beer or a one 5-ounce glass of wine or 1.5盎司烈酒. Alcohol abuse is a pattern that's harmful to the drinker or others. 酗酒是一种以强迫饮酒为特征的疾病, 一旦开始喝酒就停不下来, and the need to consume more alcohol to get the same effect, 嗑药或放松, 这就是所谓的宽容. Alcoholics may also suffer alcohol withdrawal symptoms, like nausea or shaking or anxiety.

你会怎么做呢? 老实说,看看你的饮酒量. 数一数. 一周超过五次吗? 一周超过七次吗? 你的酒有多大? 葡萄酒通常是女性的首选饮料, and a very large glass of red wine is often found in the hands of our favorite TV heroines. 问问你自己为什么要喝酒. Are you drinking to treat your stress, your depression, your boredom, your anxiety? Are you being encouraged to drink by a manipulative partner? If yes to those questions above, dial it down or get help to deal with why you're drinking. 而且你可能并不需要这些卡路里. Those TV ladies are never seen eating food anyway, so I guess they can get away with the calories.

喝酒可以缓解压力吗? 可能不会经常去. 事实上, 在社会和经济紧张时期, we need to be on the top of our games to handle what is happening at home.

也, the World Health Organization has specifically warned about alcohol use during the 新型冠状病毒肺炎 流感大流行. The WHO's regional office for Europe recommended governments restrict access to alcohol and "any relaxation of regulations or their enforcement should be avoided." More than three million people die every year from alcohol, the WHO said. 加上在紧急情况下饮酒, 这是现在, 会加剧健康脆弱性, 冒险行为, 心理健康问题, 和暴力.

现在, social distancing can be particularly stressful for men and women who are in recovery from alcohol abuse. 社会制度, 包括戒酒互助会, that help people do the very hard work day to day to stay sober, 在这日冕的日子里很难找到吗. Having meetings with your therapist or your AA group on Zoom can be helpful, 但物理的存在另一种平静, 缺少关怀和人情味. 虚拟支持和会议可能会有所大发娱乐, 但有些人并不精通技术, 有些人没有互联网. Some people will not be able to pay for their very expensive internet connection. And libraries, which have been a haven for some, are closed. It can be really hard for people who are struggling economically and struggling with alcohol abuse and addiction. 对于许多, their work was a source of meaning and financial security and social support to get through the days. And not having work or being furloughed or being told to stay home and being socially isolated is hard.

如果你现在正与酗酒作斗争, 试着在网上联系, 一通电话, 一条微博, 给那些能帮上忙的人. If you're not struggling with alcohol abuse, try to reach out. 有人需要你的电话. So all of you out there, stay safe, stay calm, stay sober. 感谢收看《大发娱乐》栏目.

This information was accurate at the time of publication. 由于新型冠状病毒肺炎大流行的性质不断变化, some information may have changed since the original publication date.