
Providing Access to Specialty Medications & 疾病管理

专业药房是国家许可的药房,大发娱乐提供专业药物. 大发娱乐团队的专业知识使大发娱乐与众不同,大发娱乐致力于为您大发娱乐提供安全、高质量的医疗保健. 这包括获得专业药物的能力,以及大发娱乐你管理和了解你的疾病的知识.

We are here to help you with all your medication and 回家输液 需要. We are a team of health professionals with diverse skills:

  • 药剂师

  • 药学技术人员

  • 护士

  • 其他大发娱乐照顾你的人

大发娱乐还与您的医生和保险公司合作,大发娱乐提供最好的护理. 大发娱乐大发娱乐您了解您的保险利益和共同支付责任. 大发娱乐为需要特殊药物治疗的复杂疾病患者大发娱乐提供团队护理.  大发娱乐的专业药剂师会告诉你一些关于你的药物的话题:

  • 如何服药

  • Ways to track how much medication you take

  • 如果你服用的任何一种药物可能与你服用的其他药物产生不良反应

  • Steps you can take to manage your health conditions


You can get your medication delivered to you. Our pharmacists are available by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 如果你对你的药物或用品有疑问,他们会来大发娱乐你.

药房联络资料 & 小时

University of Utah Health 专业药剂服务





Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm MST


University of Utah Health Home Infusion 服务





周一至周五:8:30-6 pm MST



药剂师随时待命,每天24小时/每周7天为您大发娱乐提供任何问题. If you have an emergency or clinical situation, such as side effects or assistance with medications, 有药剂师. The on-call pharmacist can also help you with any complaints.


Our specialty pharmacy offers a variety of services:

  • 处方续杯
  • 送药(免费)
  • Education given on specialty medications
  • Review your insurance benefits and explain medication costs
  • 大发娱乐提供翻译服务

加上你的处方很容易. 大发娱乐可以从您目前的药房转移您的处方,或者帮您开一个新的处方.


  1. Call us during our normal business hours and we will start the process. 大发娱乐将与您联系,安排您及时方便的送货方式和地点.
  2. You can ask your specialty team member (pharmacist, 护士, or medical provider) to call or send the prescription to us. 大发娱乐将与您联系,以确定大发娱乐为您大发娱乐提供药物的方法和地点.  
  3. 大发娱乐检查您的保险福利,并确定是否需要授权. We will keep you informed on this process. If we are in-network, we will be able to fill your prescription. 如果大发娱乐不在网络范围内,你的保险公司可能会要求你在其他地方填写.
  4. 在开处方之前,大发娱乐和你分担药费(共付). We can also provide the cash price of medication upon request.
  5. Our staff can check to see if you can use any copay assistance.
  6. 您将收到大发娱乐的电话,以创建最适合您的交付方式和地点. We provide service for patients in the Mountain West area.
    • 对于在Midvalley药房服药的病人,大发娱乐可以运送到犹他州,爱达荷州,怀俄明州和内华达州.
    • For patients who fill at Huntsman Pharmacy, 大发娱乐可以运到犹他州, 爱达荷州, 怀俄明, 内华达, 蒙大拿和科罗拉多.

    • 对于在家庭输液药房填写的患者,大发娱乐可以运送到犹他州,爱达荷州和怀俄明州.

  7. 大发娱乐的药剂师会在您第一次服药前与您交谈. 在这次谈话中,他们将分享你的药物信息并回答任何问题.

  8. 如有其他问题或疑虑,请与大发娱乐的药剂师联络:

    • Concerns that your medication has been tampered with

    • If you feel you received the wrong medication

    • If you are having any side effects from your medication 


We can send you refill reminders (if you choose). We can also arrange for your medication to be delivered or mailed. You could also pick up your medication at one of our pharmacies.

Getting a prescription refill is simple:

  • Call one of these numbers (toll free)
    • Specialty pharmacy: 1-844-211-6528,
    • Home Infusion pharmacy: 1-877-518-0411,
  • Call the pharmacy where you get your prescriptions, or
  • 您的供应商是否与大发娱乐联系.

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,可以在正常营业时间大发娱乐. We can check on a variety of questions regarding your prescription:

  • 您的订单状态

  • 钱数量

  • 要求提交

  • 受益覆盖

  • 预计船期

  • 报告交付错误或延迟


We offer overnight shipping and courier delivery at no extra cost. You can also choose to pick up your medication at our pharmacies.

  • Monday – Friday: Orders take 24 hours to process.

  • Prescriptions ship and arrive within 2 business days.

  • Next-day delivery is available for urgent 需要.

We will tell you if there are any delays. We work with you to resolve these issues. 大发娱乐将与您和您的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者合作,大发娱乐您找到接受药物治疗的最佳方式.


Some medications will need your signature for delivery.  使用这些药物, 大发娱乐将与您合作,找到一个交货时间,将与您的时间表工作.


Pharmacy staff will pack your medication:

  • 保护它不受损害

  • 保持它所需的温度

Your medication should always arrive sealed to you.


  • Receipt matches what is in the box

  • 物资状况良好

  • 所有的药物都有处方标签,上面有你的名字和使用说明



Most injectable and infusion medications need refrigeration. Make sure to open your package as soon as you get it. Store your medication correctly until you are ready to use it.

U of U健康药房的所有药物供应将来自认可的药房批发商或直接来自制造商.

We maintain the highest standards of quality and patient safety. Our pharmacists check all prescription orders. 他们还会检查你服用的药物是否有药物相互作用和过敏. 

付款 & 处方费用

你可以在配药处用借记卡、现金或汇票付款. 但是,请注意 Midvalley药房 only accepts debit or credit cards.

如果你有邮购或其他方式,你可以使用借记卡或信用卡. 大发娱乐的药房有信用卡安全,以确保您的信息是安全的.  


Your insurance company decides the amount you must pay (copay). 大发娱乐将根据您的保险或医疗福利大发娱乐提供预估费用.

The amount of medication given can also change the cost. 您可以要求您的供应商开出最大的批准和保险覆盖的供应.

Some medications can only be filled by certain pharmacies. If we are unable to fill your medication, we will notify you. We will work with you to find a pharmacy to fill your medication.

If you cannot afford your medication. 大发娱乐的工作人员可能会找到一个共同支付和病人的援助,以减少您的自付费用.


大多数医疗保险D部分处方计划都有覆盖缺口(也称为甜甜圈洞)。. This means you will pay a higher cost once you reach the coverage gap.

一些保险计划可能会要求你在不同的药房填写药物. 如果大发娱乐不能按您的处方配药,大发娱乐会第一时间通知您. 大发娱乐会和你的医生一起把处方送到新药房.

保险 company prior authorization

许多特殊药物需要事先授权才能得到保险的支付. Our staff will coordinate the prior authorization paperwork. We will let you know when we have approval or need further action. 如果大发娱乐无法获得您的保险公司的事先授权,大发娱乐将通知您和您的供应商.


如果您目前正在使用其他药房来填写您的处方,并希望在大发娱乐的药房填写您的药物, call us to transfer your prescription.

大发娱乐会向您询问转让处方所需的信息. If we need a new prescription to fill it, we will contact your provider.


Please call us and we will help with the transfer.

